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Hazardous Area Exd, Ex e, DIP

Thermocouples and RTD Sensors are an Ignition Source

RTD and Thermocouple sensors are considered to be simple apparatus and when fitted with appropriate barriers may be installed freely in IS Circuits, ( Ex ia ) no further certification is necessary.

However the RTD and Thermocouple Sensors must meet the requirements of; AS/NZS 60079.11: 2006 Explosive Atmospheres Part 11 Equipment Protection by intrinsic safety ’i ’ Section 6.3.12 Dielectric strength requirement “ 500 VAC RMS Test Voltage of Insulation Resistance between Conductors or Conductors and Sheath for 2 minutes “

Thermocouples ( insulated junctions only ) and RTD Sensors manufactured will be subjected to the following tests:

  • Visual and Dimensional Inspection
  • Insulation Resistance Minimum 1000 M Ohms
  • Upscale Polarity Test
  • Electrical Continuity Test
Part No TCTXEXI Transmitter Head Mounted 2 Wire Hart Protocol Ex ia (IECEx Approved)  
  IPAQ 202X  
  IPAQ 330X  
  IPAQ 520X  
  IPAQ 530X  

Multi Input Thermocouple and RTD
4—20 or 20—4 mA output
Upscale or Downscale Burnout
11.5 to 30 V Power Supply

Data Sheet SD 1836
IECEx Certificate SD 1837

IECEx Certification

Certificate of Test 1047 will be supplied, there are a number of variations depending upon equipment supplied.

All thermocouples and RTD sensors in the price list meeting the requirements can be offered. The sensor will have a label attached .


To compliment these we have available the TCA range of IECEx Approved and in head 2 wire transmitters.

Product Drawings

Do you know?

Ex d Flameproof Protection (Use in zones 1 & 2)

All electrical connections and equipment are enclosed in a housing strong enough to contain any explosion or fire that may take place inside the housing.

Ex tD Combustible Dust Protection (Use in zones 21 & 22)

All electrical connections and equipment are enclosed in a housing limiting the maximum surface temperature of the enclosure and restricting the ingress of dust by using dust tight or dust protected enclosures.

Ex e Increased Safety (Use in zone 2)

All electrical connections and equipment incorporate special measures to reduce the probability of excessive temperatures and the occurrence of arcs and sparks in normal service.

Ex ia Intrinsically Safety (Use in zones 0, 1 & 2)

The electrical energy available in circuits and equipment, is limited to a level too low to ignite the most easily ignitable mixtures in a hazardous area. Intrinsically safe barriers, Zener or Transformer Isolated, are installed in the circuit to limit current and voltage in the hazardous area to prevent sparking under fault conditions.